
import { EventEmitter } from "events";
// Step 1: Define the Abstract Domain Event
abstract class DomainEvent<T> {
  constructor(public data: T) {}
// Step 2: Create a Generic Event Emitter
class EventDispatcher {
  constructor(private channel) {}
  // Step 3: Publish Domain Events
  async publish<T>(event: DomainEvent<T>, exchangeName: string) {
    const queueName = event.name;
    const channel = await this.connection.createChannel();
    await channel.assertQueue(queueName, { durable: true });
    channel.sendToQueue(queueName, Buffer.from(JSON.stringify(event.data)));
  // Step 4: Subscribe to Domain Events
  async subscribe<T>(
    eventType: { new (...args: any[]): DomainEvent<T> },
    exchangeName: string,
    callback: (event: DomainEvent<T>) => void
  ) {
    const queueName = event.name;
    const channel = await this.connection.createChannel();
    await channel.assertQueue(queueName, { durable: true });
    channel.consume(queueName, async function (msg: any) {
      const input = JSON.parse(msg.content.toString());
      try {
        await callback(input);
      } catch (e: any) {
// Step 5: Send Welcome Email
class EmailService {
  sendWelcomeEmail(userEmail: string) {
    // Implement your email sending logic here
    console.log(`Sending a welcome email to: ${userEmail}`);
// Usage
const connection = await amqp.connect("amqp://localhost"); // Replace with your RabbitMQ server URL
const channel = await connection.createChannel();
const eventDispatcher = new EventDispatcher(channel);
const emailService = new EmailService();
// Define specific event types for user creation and order creation
class UserCreatedEvent extends DomainEvent<{
  userName: string;
  email: string;
}> {}
// Subscribe to the UserCreated event and send a welcome email
eventDispatcher.subscribe(UserCreatedEvent, "userExchange", (event) => {
    `User created - Name: ${event.data.userName}, Email: ${event.data.email}`
// Simulate a user being created
const newUserEvent = new UserCreatedEvent({
  userName: "John Doe",
  email: "john@example.com",