

Aggregates are fundamental in Domain-Driven Design (DDD), serving as a way to group related entities and value objects into a single unit of consistency. Key points to note:

  1. Consistency Boundary: Aggregates establish boundaries for maintaining data integrity, ensuring changes adhere to defined rules.

  2. Root Entity: Each aggregate has a root entity for external interaction, coordinating operations and enforcing invariants.

  3. Entities and Value Objects: Aggregates consist of entities (with identity) and value objects (without identity) that collaborate for consistency.

  4. Transactional Boundaries: Aggregates often serve as transactional boundaries, ensuring all changes are in a single transaction.

  5. Direct Access: Clients access and modify aggregates exclusively through the root entity.

  6. Separation of Aggregates: Different parts of the domain can be modeled as separate aggregates to minimize conflicts.

  7. Consistency and Performance: Aggregates balance consistency and performance by limiting scope.

  8. Eventual Consistency: Aggregates may not be real-time consistent but achieve it eventually through background processes.

Aggregates simplify the management of complex business rules, ensuring data integrity in DDD. Careful boundary definition is essential for effective modeling and meeting application requirements.


class OrderLineItem {
  private _productId: string;
  private _quantity: number;
  constructor(productId: string, quantity: number) {
    this._productId = productId;
    this._quantity = quantity;
  get productId(): string {
    return this._productId;
  get quantity(): number {
    return this._quantity;
class Order {
  private _orderId: string;
  private _lineItems: OrderLineItem[] = [];
  constructor(orderId: string) {
    this._orderId = orderId;
  get orderId(): string {
    return this._orderId;
  get lineItems(): OrderLineItem[] {
    return this._lineItems;
  // Method to add a line item to the order
  addLineItem(productId: string, quantity: number) {
    const existingLineItem = this._lineItems.find(
      (item) => item.productId === productId
    if (existingLineItem) {
      existingLineItem._quantity += quantity;
    } else {
      const newLineItem = new OrderLineItem(productId, quantity);
  // Method to calculate the total order amount
  calculateTotalAmount(): number {
    let total = 0;
    for (const lineItem of this._lineItems) {
      // In a real application, you would fetch product prices and calculate the total amount here.
      // For simplicity, we'll assume a fixed price of $10 per product.
      total += lineItem.quantity * 10;
    return total;
// Example usage:
const order = new Order("1");
order.addLineItem("A123", 3);
order.addLineItem("B456", 2);
console.log(`Order ID: ${order.orderId}`);
console.log("Line Items:");
for (const lineItem of order.lineItems) {
    `Product ID: ${lineItem.productId}, Quantity: ${lineItem.quantity}`
const totalAmount = order.calculateTotalAmount();
console.log(`Total Order Amount: $${totalAmount}`);